Newsletter guidelines
The Teacher Training and Education SIG aims to publish a newsletter twice a year. Contributions are accepted for the following sections of the newsletter:
• Articles on current issues
• ‘Into the classroom’ selections of activities
• Book reviews dealing with the topic of the issue
• Tips for teachers – new teachers, experienced teachers, specific contexts, etc.
All articles to be emailed on a word document. Outer margin 12mm, Top margin 30mm, Bottom margin 20mm.
Photos and illustrations for articles should be high resolution and should be sent as an attachment using jpg, tiff or bmp formats.
Please also include a 2-3 sentence bio at the end of your article/review.
Articles should seek to inform, raise issues, discuss alternatives to current practice or introduce new ideas. They should be written in academic style and Harvard Academic referencing is expected.
Please include a title, full name and professional affiliation.
Length: 750 to 1,000 words
Title: Arial 12 Regular bold
Level 1 subheading – Arial 9 pt bold
Level 2 subheading – Arial 9 pt bold
Level 3 subheading – Arial 9 pt bold
Introductory paragraph – Arial 9 pt bold
Body text of the article is Arial 8 pt regular.
Set your line spacing at 1,15.
Into the classroom
This section consists of short descriptions of training / education activities, tasks and other procedures. The aim is to provide the readership with alternatives to what they are currently doing in their classrooms. Hence, these activities should be original, engaging and realistic.
Please include a title, full name and professional affiliation.
Length – 500 words
Title – Arial 12 pt bold
Body text describes the activity using
Arial 8 pt regular.
Line spacing at 1,15. If you use bullets, please use small black dots.
Book reviews
Finally, consider submitting a review of a professional book you have recently read. We look forward to hearing from publications around the world and not only those produced in English-speaking countries. However, note that publications have to relate to Teacher Training and Education. Also, consider submitting a review of a book, which has been around for some time, if you consider it contributes to the task of TTEds.
Please include a title, full name and professional affiliation.
Length – 500 words
Title – Arial 12 pt bold
Body text describes the activity using Arial 8 pt regular.
Line spacing at 1,15. If you use bullets, please use small black dots.
Tips for teachers
Ideas for new teacher, experienced teachers, any teachers! Should be practical, informative and define a context/level of learner, etc.
Length – 500 words
Title – Arial 12 pt bold
Body text describes the tips using Arial 8 pt regular.
Line spacing at 1,15. If you use bullets, please use small black dots.
The newsletter also welcomes news of events related to Teacher Training and Education. Please, send us the information on your events including full contact information.
Finally, if you or your organization would like to advertise in our newsletter, we have a few ¼ page, ½ and full page slots for a fee. Please, contact the newsletter editor for details about these advertising opportunities.
For further information contact: